[FR] This program for primary care providers is an evidence-based education and management program focused on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The tools and resources herein are aligned with the latest Canadian Thoracic Society (CTS) guidelines.
[FR] About this Program
[FR] Quod sed dolores autem omnis. Libero dicta fuga modi sit reiciendis. Quo perspiciatis sed corporis similique enim labore voluptatum.
[FR] Related Programs
[FR] Asthma Action Plan
[FR] This program provides an overview of asthma action plans and their role and evidence for use in primary care. The tools and resources are aligned with the latest Canadian Thoracic Society guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma.
[FR] Radon
[FR] Learn about the health risks of radon and how to reduce patient exposures, based on Health Canada’s national radon awareness program.
[FR] Suscipit voluptas incidunt sed doloribus accusamus. Et repellendus quod delectus sed laboriosam minima voluptatibus. Numquam quibusdam dolore aut delectus perferendis ullam ut.